A bespoke wool carpet stair runner with a black border installed in Islington, London
by Robert Barney on Oct 12, 2024

We made a very nice wool stair runner this week for a client that lives in Islington London. Unusually it was not a carpet we supplied but one the client had already bought. In fact it is very similar to one we make anyway which is a textured beige wool carpet stair runner with a whipped edge but in this case we attached a very nice cotton herringbone black border.
This was quite a large runner that had a couple of platforms (they are the squarish small landings on a staircase that allow you to turn down the stairs) and they require mitering the corners. But we are very good at those and they looked lovely.
Of course, it was fitted to a very high standard by our sister company Cavendish deVere, who specialize in runners and hard floors.
Here is how they approach a carpet stair runner installation
Description of works
To make a runner from the carpet supplied by client with a black herringbone border. All steps on the video that currently have no carpet on them including 2 triangular shaped platforms. A good idea for the client to be on site on the day of templating to determine the width of the runner and discuss,
Day 1
Arrive to template winding stairs for runner
Collect carpet
Return to workshop
Cut runner to size and attach cotton border
Day 2/3 (Not consecutive)
Return with runner
Fit underlay and grippers to stairs
Attach runner
Clear and clean upon completion
Notes to client
I think this is going to take a little longer and those first 2 bullnose steps will need to be templated.
Also, we have several mitre joins to make on the platforms.
Black herringbone cotton
Client to supply carpet and underlay
So it went very well and all parties were delighted with the outcome.